Talk Submission

If you are interested in attending this talk at PyCon JP 2016, please use the social media share buttons below. We will consider the popularity of the proposals when making our selection.


Beating Games with Autopy(en)


Raphael Gaschignard

Audience level:



Useful libraries


This talk will give you all the tools you need to get the high score in games, without actually having to play them! Come and learn how to build bots for games with Autopy, and even how to beat a Famicon game!



Have you ever needed to grind for that next boss? Felt like you could _surely_ write a program to solve all the puzzles in your game? This talk will introduce you to some useful tools to help you control the games you play. We will briefly cover some simple techniques to help build bots to play games. We'll talk about managing randomness and some simple tricks to make sure your bot knows what's happening. We will apply the techniques to automate resource collection in a simple game, and then go a step further by building a bot to run through a game for the NES/Famicon by programming an emulator.
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