Hynek Schlawack

Hynek Schlawack is an infrastructure and software engineer from Berlin, Germany, PSF fellow, and contributor to a wide variety of open source projects including high-profile ones like Twisted, CPython, and various Python cryptography libraries like pyOpenSSL.
Currently, he works at a small Potsdam-based ISP called Variomedia AG redoing its infrastructure with Python- and Go-based solutions.
His main areas of interest are security, networks, and solid software engineering.
Haruo SATO

Representative Director of BePROUD Inc
He founded BePROUD in May 2006, with his experience as a system engineer at an SIer (system integrator) and a freelancer. His company first adopted Python as an official programming language in April 2008 and has been employed it in 70+ projects since then.
In March 2012, he published “Python Professional Programming”: a book full of programming know-hows born from practice. The second, revised edition was released in February 2014 with the latest contents.
His day-to-day goal is to make his organization a better place for engineers.
- Message from Mr. Haruo
- 2008年に自社でPythonを開発メイン言語として採用して以来、さまざまな恩恵に預かり、Pythonコミュニティの方々にも大変お世話になってきました。キーノートでは、いままでの取り組みや経験、学んで来たことをもとに、人・組織・Pythonなどをテーマにお話させて頂きます。聞いてくださる方々に1つでも発見があれば良いとおもっています。