


Deploying Python web applications in containers using OpenShift.(en)


Graham Dumpleton






Containers are taking off as a way for deploying applications. Containers alone are not enough. You need a platform like OpenShift to ease the task of building, deploying and managing them. In this talk you will learn how to deploy Python web applications to OpenShift, a next generation PaaS and CaaS for running applications across a cluster of machines and at scale.


Attendees will learn about OpenShift, its relationship to containers, and projects like Kubernetes and Moby (Docker). They will see how OpenShift can be used to deploy front end web applications, as well as back end services, and databases.


Container technology has been around for well over a decade. It has only been in the last few years though that containers have become more accessible through easy to use tooling. When deploying applications, containers still aren't enough though. When needing to deploy applications across multiple hosts and at scale, you need an orchestration and scheduling system to help you manage them. This is where Kubernetes comes into the picture. Kubernetes was born out of Google and provides a management platform for deploying applications in containers across a cluster of machines. Although Kubernetes helps to manage containers, it lacks a developer friendly interface for building and deploying an application. To address this, OpenShift has been implemented as a layer around Kubernetes and adds a developer friendly interface for deploying applications. The result in OpenShift, is a container application platform, providing both PaaS (Platform as a Service) and CaaS (Container as a Service) functionality, as well as being an enabling platform for SaaS (Software as a Service). In this talk you will learn about these technologies. It will be demonstrated how you can deploy a Python web application to OpenShift. For your persistent data, you will see how you can also deploy a database in OpenShift and link it to your application, as well as how to mount persistent storage direct into your application. You will also learn about the options you have available for deploying OpenShift as a platform for running your applications, or if you don't want to install and administer the platform, how you can use OpenShift Online, a publicly hosted version of OpenShift.
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