Multilingual Speech Recognition using Python and Google Speech API

Renyuan Lyu



In this proposal, the speaker will share his experience in using Python SpeechRecognition module, which includes multiple speech recognition engines for online applications in games, linguistic tutoring, bilingual translation and the other applications. The speaker will invite the audience to test the real-time system in multiple languages, such as English, Japanese and Mandarin Chinese.


Speech Recognition has been more popular during the past decade since the appearance of Apple Siri. However, it is still a computationally expensive technology. This is why less programmers can use it fluently in their daily jobs. In this proposal, the speaker will share his experience in using Python SpeechRecognition module, which includes multiple speech recognition engines for online applications in games, linguistic tutoring and the other applications, such as bilingual translation and so on. The speaker will invite the audience to test the real-time system in multiple languages, such as English, Japanese and Mandarin Chinese. (still constructing ....)
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