土曜日 1:30 p.m.–2 p.m.
Room 203 #pyconjp_203Geospatial data analysis and visualization in Python
Halfdan Rump
- 対象レベル:
- 中級
- カテゴリ:
- Useful libraries
In this talk I will introduce you to some very useful libraries for geospatial data visualization and analysis. I will show you how to create your own maps and how I solved the problems that I ran into. I will use data from 食べログ and SafeCast. If you are interested in data mining, visualization and, of course maps, then this talk is for you.
Interactive maps are great for exploring and getting a quick intuition of datasets containing location information. In this talk I will show that you don't have to be a data scientist or a JavaScript expert to create such maps. More concretely, I will give a quick intro to some great libraries and show you how to:
use osmnx to download map data and convert it into a street graph
use geopandas, networkx and shapely to manipulate street graphs and assign data points to areas
use pyproj and geopy for changing between coordinate reference systems and measuring distances (I'll give you a short demonstration of how important this can be)
use folium for creating beautiful and responsive maps that are rendered to HTML and JavaScript
This covers the basic part of the talk, and I will then move into the second part, talking about some of the more difficult issues that I encountered while creating maps:
how to deal with lack of geojson/shapefile boundary data for small areas
how to deal with geospatial data that changes over time
Apart from the tools mentioned above, I'll show you how networkx, scikit-learn, and good old plain Python can be used to solve these problems.