土曜日 11:30 a.m.–12:15 p.m.
How we realize SOA by Python
- 対象レベル:
- 中級
- カテゴリ:
- Best Practices/Patterns
I will show you how we realize Service Oriented Architecture(SOA) in real life.
SOA is an approach to create a system based on small servers separated for small functions. We've used Django and DjangoRestFramework to create it and Sentry, NewRelic and Rundeck to monitor it. You can learn way to realize it (and what happened).
# How we realize SOA by Python
I will show you how we realize Service Oriented Architecture(SOA) in real life.
SOA is an approach to create a system based on small servers separated for small functions. We've used Django and DjangoRestFramework to create it and Sentry, NewRelic and Rundeck to monitor it.
We learned benefits and disadvantages of SOA.
and found what we should next.
I'll show you what techs we used, what things we learned.
### Creating
We choiced [Python](https://python.org/), [Django](https://djangoproject.com/) and [DjangoRestFramework](http://www.django-rest-framework.org/).
By using them, you can create REST API servers as soon as you can.
And we run unittests using lots of useful libraries like [tox](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/tox), and run load tests by [locust.io](http://locust.io/)
### Monitoring
When creating system on SOA, we need to host lots of servers.
meaning, we need to monitor them.
We've used [Sentry](https://getsentry.com/) to monitor all of application errors.
And [NewRelic](https://newrelic.com/) to monitor server resources and analyze what applications actually do.
Also, [Rundeck](http://rundeck.org/) to view and manipulate batch jobs thought the Web interfaces (you said crond? no).
Also we let them to notify to [Slack](https://slack.com/).
### Benefits and disadvantages of SOA
We noticed there's a lot of problems and issues to realive SOA.
I'll show you my feeling/opinion for SOA, benefits and disadvantages.
### What shoud we do next
Also telling about what should we next, Non-blocking IO? Swapping to Golang? anyway something like them.
I hope our experiences will support you.