Talk Proposal Submission

If you are interested in attending this talk at PyCon JP 2017, please use the social media share buttons below. We will consider the popularity of the proposals when making our selection.


Building Your Own Stock Analysis System(en)


Victor Gau

Audience level:





People have been talking about how easy it is to use python to analyze data. However, there are still difficulties for beginners to get a sense of how to use it. In this talk, I will go through a simple stock analysis system and break the entry barrier for the beginners.


The attendees should be able to easily build their own stock analysis system after the talk.


In this talk, I will introduce how to do quantitative analysis on stocks. The talk will include how to get the stock information from the web, how to choose stocks quantitatively, and backtest your strategies. I will use US stock market as an example. First, pandas or finsymbols will be used to get the company information. Next, pandas or quandl will be used to get the historical stock prices. Regarding the screening strategies for the stocks, I will use volatility as an example. After that, I will show the atendees how to back test their strategies by using sharpe ratio, maximum drawdown, etc.
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