Talk Proposal Submission

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How to use Python Requests with simulation trading sites(ja)


Justin Ho

Audience level:



Industry Uses


Stock trading using algorithms has become far more accessible to programmers. However managing deals, orders and trades is another key part to trading. In this talk I will demonstrate methods of how to use HTTP POST and GET commands to interface to a sandbox trading site. スライドの内容は英語で、トークは日本語で開催する予定です。


By the end of this talk, you will learn the following: -What a deal management system is -The complexity to build a system -How to find and connect to sandbox trading systems -Learn basic skills to automatically login to a site using the Requests library to POST and GET data


Having a system to manage your orders, positions and track your profits and losses is another important part to doing online trading. Here I will discuss the importance of having a deal management system and the complexities of building such a system. We will instead learn how to turn a sandbox trading system into a trading simulator by using HTTP GET and POST requests. This is a very safe and fast way to start learning how to trade without needing to have a paid brokerage account or use systems that cost money. For this talk, I will focus on using a free sandbox site and the concept of how to build your own python API / Application
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