Talk Proposal Submission

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after VOEZ launch: how to resolve problems of mobile game server development and service maintenance(en)


郭 学聡 (Hsueh-Tsung Kuo)

Audience level:





As startup game makers, many people might be able to build a workable mobile game service, but have no experience in building a stable, reliable, high performance mobile game service due to some reasons such as race condition and lack of caching. We will introduce how we built a commercial game server by showing the essence of Python code and Flask usage from VOEZ game server.


ゲームサーバーを作動できたとしても、安定性、高信頼性、高性能を保証するものではありません。 私たちもそれに困りました、だからその経験をみんなにシェアしなきゃって思います。 このトークで、Python と Google Cloud Platform を使え、(大体)一人で安定、高信頼、高性能なゲームサービスの作り方を教えるつもりです。 目的は二つ: 1. 安定性、高性能を持つモバイルゲームサービスを構築したいと望むバックエンド初心者に、経験をシェアするつもり。 2. 経験があるシニア開発者から私たちの方法の欠点を遠慮なく指摘してもらいたい。私たちはもっと優秀な構築経験を学びたい。


What we will share at below chapter: * VOEZ game play demo and connection layout * Python code: * database/storage layout & API for distributing current seasonal event revision and corresponding assets * Redis database operation * order of inter-server request and related state transition * publish event game data to Amazon S3/Google Cloud Storage * append header "Cache-Control" under Flask framework, and make cache expire precisely at seasonal event switching * calculate how many consecutive days a player logged in * Cloud platform setting tips: * What happened when we met DDoS * Appendix: * game play authorization and score uploading
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