木曜日 3:25 p.m.–4:10 p.m.

Room 205 #pyconjp_205

Building An Interpreter In RPython

Juozas Kaziukenas

Python Internals
slide https://speakerdeck.com/juokaz/building-an-interpreter-in-rpython-pycon-japan-2016
video https://youtu.be/YfZixND9CI8?list=PLMkWB0UjwFGlYvIcvKsGhJ7SJIODj_zJZ


To understand how dynamic programming languages get executed I set out to build a PHP interpreter. Not a joke, I really did it and it worked! The final result was a well-tested piece of Python code, which could be compiled to be very performant as well. The goal of this talk is to introduce you to the basics of interpreters and the tools available in RPython to build one.


To understand how dynamic programming languages get executed I set out to build a PHP interpreter. Not a joke, I really did it and it worked! The final result was a well-tested piece of Python code, which could be compiled to be very performant as well. It's available as an open source project on github http://github.com/juokaz/pyhp.
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