Talk Submission

If you are interested in attending this talk at PyCon JP 2016, please use the social media share buttons below. We will consider the popularity of the proposals when making our selection.




Austin G. Imperial

Audience level:





Using Python to automate not just the complex but even the simplest task.


Audience will think very much differently and hopefully they will be motivated to write Python code creatively.


Want to spend less time in front of the computer's screen but want to do more behind the keyboard (or vice-versa)? Then why not Pythomate (Python Automate) every possible task in our daily lives? The only limitation is our imagination. Since most of the talks' topic are about the technical side of Python given by those who are more knowledgeable than I am, this non-technical talk is a realization of what I did in the past, currently doing at present and plans in the future using Python and I would like to share it to the "real crowd" and hopefully inspire the younger generations to start early "Pythomating" whether you are a student, hobbyist or professional.
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