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Machine Translation for Identifiers in Python Programs (en)


Ren-yuan Lyu , Che-Ning Liu , Calvin Lyu

Audience level:





This is a demonstration for a two-year research project sponsored by Taiwan government, which is aimed to translating Python programs into traditional Chinese in order to help those who feel interested in learning computer programming but are not very good at English. The idea could also be helpful for those countries where English is not an official language in elementary or secondary schools.


1. Do translation of identifiers into programmers' native languages. 2. The motivation is to help education for younger students without English proficiency. 3. The machine translation techniques will be applied to automate the process. 4. A set of demo programs will be generated for immediate use for the educational purpose in the elementary or middle schools.


- Should Google Translate have the ability to translate a Python program? - In this project, an effort was tried toward that possibility! - Starting from the task definition of this project, ending in the discussion of the performance of translation, we will present the process of this project step by step. ![ ][1] A picture is here. ([][2] ) [1]: [2]:
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